Being experts in our fields we become a representative for you. We learn your company values and culture along with required skills and experience to find and present the best talent. We will coach you on the market and to think outside the box where required and with our experience, knowledge, network and honesty, you can be confident we are presenting and closing the right candidates for you.
Contact us to arrange a time to meet and discuss your job requirements
We search
We search for the perfect candidates. We source, interview, test, shortlist and find the best for you
Choose your candidate
Meet the best talent available in the market
Satisfaction Guarantee
We continue our relationship past placement to ensure satisfaction
Why We Recruit?
Perfect Fit
We find the right talent for your team from our extensive network
Fixed Price Service
No sliding scale, no hidden fees.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Market leading 6 month placement guarantee
Why Partner with We Recruit. USA
Extensive market knowledge working in the industry
Always providing honest feedback to candidates and clients to help with their search.
We are black and white. With our flat fee structure every job is approached in the same high level dedication.
Video profiles of candidates allow you to make informed decisions on who you interview before the first meeting.
Always providing honest feedback to candidates and clients to help with their search.
Continually expanding our networks through meetings, training and events we are at the forefront of our industry.
Our Focus
Permanent Placement
We focus on finding the right candidate for the long term. We back ourselves in this promise by offering a longer extended placement period of 6 months.
Temporary Placements
We have a database of talent available for the short-term temporary and contract placements. This extensive network allows us to provide the best available talent at short notice. Focusing on the right fit always will allow easy transition to long term placement if required.
We Recruit. Group
We don’t just match for your job, we match for their long term career.